EntreeArchitect Podcast
In this episode, we discuss how I help my clients identify what’s not working in their lives, reprogram their minds for positivity, and build thriving businesses with peace of mind. We also reflect on the importance of empathy in personal and professional growth, and the daily practices that fuel lasting happiness and success.
Gail Doby’s Creative Genius Podcast
Janine is interviewed on Season 12, Episode 5 of The Creative Genius podcast by Gail Doby. Interior design is demanding work, involving thousands of detailed decisions, project challenges and competing personalities. That can give rise to a lot of friction and stress. While you can’t eliminate every stressor, you can minimize them by establishing good project management practices and cultivating mental fitness.
All I Want for Christmas
Happy holidays! For some, this time of year is not that happy, and it’s difficult to feel joyful or playful. I get it. For me, years of stuffing my difficult feelings (fear, shame, grief, anger, etc) came with the unfortunate result of stuffing my joy. You see, you can’t just stuff the hard feelings, they all get stuffed. And there’s the rub.
The Priceless Gift of Thriving
Your mind can be a great asset. It can also be your greatest enemy. Most of us are surviving, with our “survival brain” on co-pilot, fueled by fear and judgment, and generating a negative mindset most of the time. There is a solution!
Take Back Your Time
We still have the same twenty-four hours we always had, but it feels like less and less; doesn’t it? There are probably several factors, technology being one of them, with so many ways that people can demand our attention. And then there’s social media (don’t get me started).. You can’t do much about the external factors, but you can reign in your thoughts and habits that are contributing to the problem.
THE Answer to All Your Problems
Acceptance is the answer. Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning bad behavior, or hitting ‘snooze’ again because there’s nothing you can do about the situation. It’s about looking reality in the face and admitting, “Yup, it is like this right now.”
Stress-Free Projects on Business Success Tips (Podcast)
Join us as we delve into the world of stress-free projects with Janine Aurichio, a mental fitness coach specializing in the construction industry.
Back to Your Why
In The Blue Zones project by Dan Buettner, one key component of people living to 100, and living well, is that they have sense of purpose and deeper meaning in their lives. In Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 1 is to be proactive, to have a personal vision. Navigate is one of the five Sage Powers in Positive Intelligence®. The four pillars of my business are Beauty, Wisdom, Purpose and Practice. What’s all the fuss about?!
Shift Your Mood in 8 Characters
Appreciation, compassion, awe, play, curiosity, and meaning are all powers of your Sage that can help you navigate challenging times and turn that frown upside down. This time of year can be one of those challenging times for a lot of people. Here are a few helpful strategies and tips based on the Positive Intelligence® operating system.
“Difficult” People as a Gift
Perhaps someone comes to mind when you read “Difficult” people. Chances are, you find this person “difficult” because they have strong Saboteurs. When our Saboteurs are driving the bus, the ride is bumpy, unpredictable, volatile, and chaotic. When someone is hijacked by their Saboteurs, they are coming from a place of fear, reactivity and habit. If we’re not careful, we will quickly devolve into Saboteur mode as well because of mirror neurons (our nervous system starts to reflect the nervous state of those around us). Do not fuel their Saboteurs with your fear, negativity or reactivity! There is nowhere to go but down from here.
Two P’s NOT in a Pod
Have you ever noticed that when someone tells you they have been really productive, they’re usually not happy? Or worse, they are downright exhausted or stressed. Let’s take the glory out of productivity.Prosperity is about meeting your external goals with lasting happiness and inner peace. This comes from the Sage space of expansion, ease, clarity and meaning. Creatives don’t produce, they create. Do you think Matisse, Alvin Ailey or Sister Parish talked about being productive? I doubt it. Creativity is inspired, flowing, energizing, and mysterious.
The 10% That Really Matters
If you interact with other humans in any part of your life, there will be conflict at some point. In design and construction, you have a new team on every project. That means new personalities, new dynamics, new saboteurs and lots of potential conflicts. That sounds challenging because it is! However, there’s a simple shift in perspective that can make things a lot smoother.
Your Imposter Is Picking Your Pocket
Do any of these ring true? You don’t bill all of your time (or worse, maybe you don’t even track it). You consistently send invoices late. You haven’t raised your rates lately (or ever). If so, your Imposter (aka The Judge) is at work. This post discusses strategies to shush your imposter, lower stress and grow prosperity.
A Conversation with LuAnn Nigara on Power Talk Friday®
Janine Aurichio on A Well Designed Business podcast Power Talk Friday with LuAnn Nigara, discussing mental fitness, saboteurs and sages, and the simple operating system to take back command of your mind.
Navigating Balance
It seems fair to say that work/life balance is still a work-in-process for most people, myself included.* I’ll go out on a limb and even say it’s not sustainable. By definition life throws things in our way—illness, unexpected delights, change, traffic, natural disasters, falling in or out of love—that shake our alignment or knock us off balance. No wonder we struggle!
The Key to Self-Esteem
Like so many things, we tend to think confidence and esteem will come from “out there.” When I achieve the next level/goal/position. When I get the affirmation or accolades. When I finally get paid $X. Or if we just think hard enough about it, it will be so. Oh, no. We can’t think or wish ourself into more confidence. It takes effort and action, bit by bit building a stronger sense of self by doing esteemable acts—acts that push our edges and put us directly in the center of our care and concern. Acts that might be scary and that might have us fall on our face. But we tried; we showed up for ourself.
Decisions, Decisions…Intuition v. Analysis
According to researchers at Cornell University we make 226.7 decisions a day just on food alone. Imagine the number of decisions for entrepreneurs and business owners! And then layer on the complexities of a design or construction project. Yikes. Decision fatigue is real. Part of that could be trying to use your analytical mind to solve problems that actually require intuition instead.
The Joy of Service? It’s More Than You Think
Many of us in a service business, or any business, put all of our focus on the client or customer. We twist ourselves in knots to please them. We accept unacceptable behavior. We sacrifice our own self-care and boundaries. That’s our saboteurs in action. Your Sage knows the true joy of service is as much about you as it is about serving others.
Relaxation is Your Super Power
Relaxation is your super power. Bam! This truth bomb, dropped by Julie Piatt on my favorite pod, made me smile from ear to ear. In a world where hustle, grind, one-upmanship and even burnout are lauded, this can be a tough one for most of us to swallow. What if the inverse of everything you’ve been rewarded for is actually the seat of your power?
Relationships, the Final Frontier (don’t go there alone!)
Do you cringe at conflict? Avoid the challenging call with an unhappy client or underperforming team member? Or maybe you say “yes'“ when you mean “no” and later resent it. Whatever your pattern, when your Saboteurs are running the show, it’s bad news for relationships, personal and professional.