Take a Victory Lap
Happy new year. Remember the negativity bias in our brains? How 3:1 we look for the negative, bad, dangerous, threatening stuff over the good. It’s this very thing that keeps us from acknowledging our progress, celebrating wins and touting our victories.
Can You Take a Vacation?
Society and your Saboteurs perpetuate the big lie that vacation is indulgent, selfish or even dangerous. The competition will surpass you. You’ll lose that project. It will look bad to [fill in the blank]. Your world can’t possibly keep spinning if you take time off! Your Sage knows that for maximum success with peace-of-mind you need to make space, play, and just be. That’s squarely in the Self-Care bucket of Life Styling.
Relationships, the Final Frontier (don’t go there alone!)
Do you cringe at conflict? Avoid the challenging call with an unhappy client or underperforming team member? Or maybe you say “yes'“ when you mean “no” and later resent it. Whatever your pattern, when your Saboteurs are running the show, it’s bad news for relationships, personal and professional.
Roll Like A Wise Wo/Man
If it feels like more of a Holi-daze for you, fear not. The solution is inside you, always available…read on.
Based on Positive Intelligence®, the wise one inside you (the Sage) has five powers that can shift you out of the daze or funk or malaise created by your fear-based survival brain, the saboteurs. Use just one of these (empathy is always a great place to start) or try to apply all five, in order, to a situation or challenge. You’ll be growing your Sage powers and experiencing more ease.
Fear Not…Your Sage Has Got This
Inflation. Lay offs. Viruses. This is all “bad,” right? Well…that depends on which part of your brain is running the show. Humans are wired for a negativity bias as a matter of survival. That voice is loud and fearful. We also have a quieter, positive voice that knows any outcome or situation can be turned into a gift or opportunity.
In design and construction, you may be hearing about or even feeling a slowdown. Just typing that my gut constricts and my mind starts conjuring scenarios of gloom and doom. But wait! We are not responsible for our first thought, but we are for the second, third, and so on.
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