YES2YUM Privacy Policy

Basic information about Data Protection:


Janine Aurichio for


Managing information and commercial content delivery. In particular, our newsletter delivery.

Lawfulness of the processing

Data processors outside of the EU subject to the “Privacy Shield”, who provide information services to


Access, rectification, erasure or deletion, restriction of the processing and data portability, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information here.


From the data subject, or from newsletter subscription using double opt-in or from workshops/talks.

Detailed information about Data Protection


DBA: Yes2Yum (

Registered office: 23 Woodstock Court, San Rafael, CA 94903

Email address:  janine[at]yes2yum[dot]com is not obliged to designate a Data Protection Officer.

Purpose of the data processing

The personal data processed is mainly used for managing the delivery of information and commercial content for as long as you remain subscribed to our newsletters. Therefore, you will no longer receive our newsletters should you choose to unsubscribe.

The personal data may occasionally be used to initiate professional contacts in the framework of precontractual or contractual relationships.

We periodically revise your date to ensure that your data is accurate, adequate, relevant, and limited to the purpose of professional contact. In any case, you may exercise your rights of access, cancellation, rectification, opposition, and other rights, as established in our privacy policy, by sending an email to yes2yum[at]yes2yum[dot]com.

Lawfulness of the processing

The legal grounds for your personal data processing can be found in article 6.1.f) of the GDPR which comprises the legitimate interest of Yes2Yum in maintaining any sort of relations with you as an individual entrepreneur, or with the legal person by means of which you provide services. 

In the event that you are not an individual entrepreneur, nor provide services by means of a legal person, Yes2Yum may process your personal data by virtue of your consent.

Your personal data is necessary for you to receive newsletters and other commercial communications from Yes2Yum


The personal data will be disclosed to the following companies established in the United States, as processors, who provide information society services to Yes2Yum:

Such entities are adhered to the “Privacy Shield” agreement between the US and the EU. You may find further information clicking on the name of each entity.

Data shall not be transferred to third parties, except in case of legal obligation.

Rights of the data subjects

Pursuant to articles 12 to 22 of the GDPR, you are granted the rights to information and access, rights to rectification and erasure (“Right to be Forgotten”), right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object, and right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling. You may freely exercise your rights by sending an email to the following address: yes2yum[at]yes2yum[dot]com

  • You have the right to cancel your subscription to the newsletters and stop receiving commercial communications from Whole Nourishment by emailing yes2yum[at]yes2yum[dot]com

  • You have the right to file a claim before the Supervisory authority of Data Protection, especially when the exercise of your rights has not been satisfied.

Data Origin

Yes2Yum has obtained your data (i) from professional directories and lists provided by marketing companies; and/or (ii) because you have provided them (in fairs, events, etc.).

The categories of data processed are:

  • Identification data.

  • Postal and email addresses.

  • Telephone number.

  • Other commercial information.

  • Special categories of protected data are not processed.