Relaxation is Your Super Power
Photo: In Her Image
Bam! This truth bomb, dropped by Julie Piatt on my favorite pod, made me smile from ear to ear. In a world where hustle, grind, one-upmanship and even burnout are lauded, this can be a tough one for most of us to swallow.
What if the inverse of everything you’ve been rewarded for is actually
the seat of your power?
There is a 1 in 400 trillion chance that you are alive in human form at this moment.
[pause for impact]
You, in all your magnificent glory, flaws and all, are not here to be stressed out,
burnt out, overwhelmed and putting out fires. Your survival brain (aka the Saboteurs)
will do everything in its power to convince you otherwise. After all, its mere existence
depends on it. Or so it thinks.
The wise Sage in you knows the truth. It knows that the path to true fulfillment and prosperity is the path of ease and flow, peace and calm, curiosity and creativity, trust and surrender.
What if you let it be easy?
What if you said, “No, thank you” to the client who isn’t a good fit.
What if you only checked email twice a day.
What if you delegated more.
What if you took a personal day once a month.
What if you turned off Netflix and listened to the rain.
What if you took a car nap at lunch every day.
What if you ran your business exactly the way you want to.
It took me over a decade not only to understand and accept this principle, but to embody it and to start to put it into action. A daily morning practice has long been part of my routine; however lately I’ve been waking up 30 to 60 minutes earlier* to create ample space for meditation, prayer, journaling and stretching, and the impact has been miraculous. My days, for the most part, are peaceful, my energy is high, my mind is clear AND…business is
better than ever.
Trust me, I still do more in a day than your average bear. This is not a call to shirk your responsibilities, but to ease your grip on doing them motivated by fear, scarcity, failure, rejection, poverty, appearances, etc.
Simple, not easy. But consider the alternative! What price are you, your relationships or your business paying for not slowing down and tending to your magnificent self?
There are 1,440 minutes in a day, do you have the courage to carve out 15/30/60 for your well-being? I hope so, you’re worth it.
*For best results, also go to bed earlier.
Journal Prompts:
What does relaxation look like for me?
Where can I add relaxation into my day?
What story or belief is stopping me?