Take a Victory Lap

Woman in hot pink pants and sleeveless white top, sitting in a white tufted chair, outside, with arms up in a V shape

Photo by In Her Image.

We can be so quick to jump headlong into the next thing, including the new year. Before you gun it for what’s next, take a pause to celebrate your victories from 2024.

Happy new year. Remember the negativity bias in our brains? How 3:1 we look for the negative, bad, dangerous, threatening stuff over the good. It’s this very thing that keeps us from acknowledging our progress, celebrating wins and touting our victories.

Your inner Sage is all about pausing and celebrating. It knows that counteracting the
negativity bias is the road to ease, flow, creativity and compassion—for yourself and others.
Celebrating is fun. Remember Kool & the Gang’s anthem?

“Celebrate, good times. Come on!”

I’ll get us started; here is my victory lap:

+Speaking on my first national stage at KBIS

+All time high Mental Fitness Master Class enrollment

+Co-chairing the Marin Builders Association’s Building Women group

+Hiring a virtual assistant

+Collaborating with ASID CA Peninsula on a super fun event

+Guesting on Gail Doby’s Creative Genius Podcast

+Giving my first Business of Home webinar

+Inking my largest client contract to date

+Being nominated for Columbia Business School Women’s Circle Board

+Guesting on the EntreeArchitect Podcast (see below)

+Enrolling three new clients between Christmas and New Year

So, join me in looking back and taking a lap for the wins, big and small. Then go out and rock your bad self into a victorious 2025.

It’s so much more meaningful to share your victories. Send me your victory lap list!

Journal Prompts:

  • How can I infuse more celebration into my life and work?

  • What are 5 victories for me in 2024?


EntreeArchitect Podcast