Re-vive. Re-fresh. Re-new.
First, what does regenerate mean? When I looked it up, there’s a ‘biology’ definition (regrow) and a ‘theology’ definition (reformed/reborn). I love that! And of course there is. These two realms are getting closer and closer in my studies (think quantum physics). Anyway, the definition that’s closest to what we’re discussing here is…”To become formed again.”
Joy & the Courage to Accept Yourself (Video)
Self-acceptance can be such a challenge and yet it is a requirement for self-love and joy. It takes tremendous courage to take a good, hard look at yourself, warts and all. The reward is priceless.
In this conversation with my dear friend, Carrie Friedberg, SF Money Coach, we discuss the how's and why’s of our self-acceptance journeys, where and how money played a role, and how Life Styling can help.
(Some) Favorite Things
A daily gratitude practice keeps my eyes and heart on the abundance in my life. As Melody Beatty says, “Gratitude makes what we have enough, and more.” I write gratitudes every night before bed and also text them to a gratitude buddy. Sharing is caring and this is a “we” life.
Do What You Want To!
For the past year I have been doing what I want in a grand sense ~ starting this business, working for myself, moving into a new home with my partner, getting a dog. However, there was still an undertow of "should" to my days ~ I should finish my entire to do list, I should have more clients, I should be on social media, I should not eat Ben & Jerry's (again).
Oops, I Did It Again
I had another awakening last week that I want to share with you to, 1) take away the sting (we're only as sick as our secrets), 2) stay right-sized, and 3) hopefully encourage anyone trying to break an old habit or pattern of behavior. They say to teach what you need to learn, surely I'm no on!
Spiritual Awakening & Race
They say courage is fear that has said its prayers. My prayer is that I say what I need to say, hear what I need to hear, that it lands with whom it’s supposed to land, and that it is all for the highest spiritual good.