Oops, I Did It Again
My pit crew, patiently waiting for this human to get it, LOL
I had another awakening last week that I want to share with you to, 1) take away the sting (we're only as sick as our secrets), 2) stay right-sized, and 3) hopefully encourage anyone trying to break an old habit or pattern of behavior. They say to teach what you need to learn, surely I'm no exception...read on!
So, I'm starting to work on my website (yay! gulp.) and was putting a LOT of effort and energy into figuring out the "one thing" that I offer. I journaled, created a mind map, discussed it with loved ones, painted and thought some more. I had to figure out my one thing!
During a coaching session with the amazing Chelsea King of Heart Centered Work, she kept asking me why this was important to me. At first my answers were practical, "It will help me to write the web copy," "It will inform social medial content," etc. Until the third time she asked and I said,
"It will let people know I'm legit."
BAM! I was slipping down the slope of approval seeking and perfectionism without knowing it. Dang, this stuff can be cunning and powerful. Now I have a list of ways to know I'm heading off the slope ~ efforting, fixating, stinking thinking and being other-focused.
I share all of this in case you're having similar struggles, and to say the struggle is real and you are not alone. There is a solution. It's so helpful to have someone we trust hold up the mirror or shine the light for us. It's not always comfortable but it is transformative. What a gift that I get to help women on this journey to break free from seeking and efforting and relax into knowing and allowing.
With ease and (sometimes) grace,
Yes2Yum is dedicated to women sharing wisdom, inspiration and support.