
There's a documentary where the subject character is transformed by taking some straightforward advice from an elderly man in a cafeteria line..."Do what you want to!"

This week I got a granular flavor of what that is like…

For the past year I have been doing what I want in a grand sense ~ starting this business, working for myself, moving into a new home with my partner, getting a dog. However, there was still an undertow of "should" to my days ~ I should finish my entire to do list, I should have more clients, I should be on social media, I should not eat Ben & Jerry's (again).

It did not feel like I was doing what I wanted to! Add to that a global pandemic, climate emergency, social unrest, impending election and air thick with wildfire smoke, and I was back to feeling stressed, overwhelmed and depleted.

That's when coaching saved my ass (again). As part of an intensive training course in which I'm enrolled, I had the grace and good fortune to be coached around this subject by one of my peers. As a result of the coaching process, I came up with a new daily practice that completely shifted my week, my perspective and my energy. Each morning, I ask myself,

"What is the most nourishing thing I can do today that will contribute to my thriving?"*

This resulted in more naps, more time with friends, more spaciousness, more meditation, less output and less stress. Hallelujah! Can I get an A-woman? It didn't come without some fear (naturally) and discomfort (aka growth). I am not wired this way. I am wired to produce, stay busy, get accolades. More naps; wait, what?

Do what you want to. What you really, really want to. Ask (God, your body, the Universe, your intuition) and be still long enough to figure out what that is. Be kind to yourself, then kinder still. Take it from an incorrigible self-flagellator. I will continue my practice. I'm in week two; they say it takes three weeks to make a habit. Wish me luck.

** *This question was first formulated with the support of Katie Schmidt of Whole Nourishment, an amazing Behavioral Food Therapist. Look her up if you want more ease around food.

Thanks, Slomo!



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