YES2YUM Featured on GoSolo
An interview with GoSolo. What's your business, and who are your customers? YES2YUM provides 1:1 and group mental fitness coaching for the design/build community so that they can do their jobs with more ease and joy. As a former interior designer and owner, I know that the complexities of running a business, coupled with your personal ways of self-sabotage, can block creativity and deplete your energy and confidence, which impacts business results and your overall well-being.
Creativity Love Potion
You can’t create at a high level when you’re tight, upset or perseverating. It’s impossible. Those types of feelings are energy blocks. And creativity is energy. I believe it is your soul expressing itself. And your soul, your spirit, your essence is energy, and it is love.
Do What You Want To!
For the past year I have been doing what I want in a grand sense ~ starting this business, working for myself, moving into a new home with my partner, getting a dog. However, there was still an undertow of "should" to my days ~ I should finish my entire to do list, I should have more clients, I should be on social media, I should not eat Ben & Jerry's (again).
5 Ways Beauty Heals Us
I spent some time planting pots this weekend, and my partner and I both marveled at how moved we were by the beauty and how touched by the never-ending possibility for beauty. This got me thinking about how beauty heals us, or I will speak for myself and you may take what you like…
3 Simple Steps to Sacred Space
Right about now we're all needing that special, quiet place more than ever, so I captured my thoughts in a video for you. You'll hear about the elements of "sanctuary," why sacred space is so vital to living an aligned, joyful life, and three steps to create your own personal sacred space.