3 Steps to Change Your Day
We have so much thrown at us every day and expect so much of ourselves; it can be a total joy suck. There is no way one human can attend to, process and respond thoughtfully to three email accounts, texts, WhatsApp, MarcoPolo, Clubhouse, Messenger, LinkedIn, Slack....and that's all before you get to what you need to do today.
Stop. Take one deep breath. Feel your feet on the floor. And try this instead.
6 Ways to Be Wiser
Nature is my muse and mentor; she has so many lessons to teach if I just watch and listen. This post expands on my top six.
Creating a Joyful Life (Podcast)
For many of us, the ideas of “success” in our society actually leads to all sort of unauthentic and unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. I know because I was one among. The generally accepted ideas that more is more, productivity is king (or queen), busy is a badge of honor and your value is tied to your output is making us sick.
(Some) Favorite Things
A daily gratitude practice keeps my eyes and heart on the abundance in my life. As Melody Beatty says, “Gratitude makes what we have enough, and more.” I write gratitudes every night before bed and also text them to a gratitude buddy. Sharing is caring and this is a “we” life.
What's the Frequency, J9?
I wholeheartedly invite you to join me in the Feminine Frequency Festival—a global gathering by women leaders and healers, for women leaders and healers—happening Aug 20-28, 2020.
I'm offering an energy healing at Feminine Frequency, Sacred Healing Circle Grounding Meditation happening on Thursday, August 27th @ 5:30PM (Pacific).
Spiritual Awakening & Race
They say courage is fear that has said its prayers. My prayer is that I say what I need to say, hear what I need to hear, that it lands with whom it’s supposed to land, and that it is all for the highest spiritual good.
3 Simple Steps to Sacred Space
Right about now we're all needing that special, quiet place more than ever, so I captured my thoughts in a video for you. You'll hear about the elements of "sanctuary," why sacred space is so vital to living an aligned, joyful life, and three steps to create your own personal sacred space.