6 Ways to Be Wiser

Remember the margarine commercial from the 70s..."It's not nice 
to fool Mother Nature!"? (thunder clap)

I don't know why I just thought of that, but dang it, She is always right! 

So, so wise and so many lessons to learn. I like to call Her my muse and mentor.

Here’s six I try to emulate (there are many, many more):

  1. Everything with a time and purpose - Agh! But I need to know now!! Trusting the process and getting comfortable with the unknown is PhD level stuff.

  2. Zero waste - Ever notice there’s no “nature trash?” She is the original recycler and composter. 

  3. Massive collaboration - Everything in Nature nurtures another thing or being.

  4. Optimum health in diversity - Do you know that a teaspoon of healthy soil contains 100 million to 1 billion bacteria?

  5. Never in a hurry - Ok, well except maybe in a hurricane or tornado (see #6), but generally, it takes what it takes.

  6. Feels her “feelings” (unapologetically) - With Nature there’s no holding back.

May we all take a cue or two and tread a little more lightly. It can benefit your mental health, your relationships, your work and your community.

YES2YUM is dedicated to women sharing wisdom, inspiration and support.


Successful & Miserable? (Podcast)


Can I Get An A-woman?!