3 Simple Steps to Sacred Space

I've been quiet for a while because that has felt right for me. However, I heard a very loud whisper on Saturday to share about Sacred Space (and I am learning to always listen to the whispers)...

Right about now we're all needing that special, quiet place more than ever, so I captured my thoughts in a video for you. You'll hear about the elements of "sanctuary," why sacred space is so vital to living an aligned, joyful life, and three steps to create your own personal sacred space. Keep it simple! Whether it's the corner of your desk or your own YUM cave, do what feels good to you and you alone.

Having sanctuary space in our daily lives is more important than ever. Join me to unlock the why and how of creating your very personal sacred space. You wil...

May you be healthy and strong, protected and safe.




Spiritual Awakening & Race