Can I Get An A-woman?!

As a recovering approval seeker, I know all about shape shifting, people pleasing, good-girling, and getting small and quiet to keep the peace.

This is dangerous territory, believe me.

In fact, it was my motivation for creating the healing modality of Life Styling; built on the elements of Beauty, Wisdom, Purpose and Practice, and centered on a process of Self-Knowledge, Self-Expression and Self-Care.

The gift of Life Styling is rooting yourself firmly and unapologetically in your own Truth, grounded in the present moment and holding healthy boundaries with a compassionate heart. Joy, vitality and ease follow.

The tools I’ve acquired from a Master Certification in Intuition Medicine(R) aid this process by teaching you how to use your intuition to fully embody yourself with your highest, best, most healing energies. When you come to know, love and trust yourself in this way, you can move through the world with more confidence, ease and grace.

If you'd like to know more, set up a Yummy Connection Call.  No obligation, no pressure. I'd love to chat.




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