Mental Fitness Bootcamp

Rewire your brain and change your life.

Learn how to use the powerful tool of Positive Intelligence® (PQ) to build the happiest, most capable version of you for magnificent results in life and business.

What is Mental Fitness Bootcamp?

Mental Fitness Bootcamp is a virtual, 10-week group program that boosts your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with ease and flow rather than being stressed and upset. The result is freedom. Freedom from stress. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom to do more of what you love and to do it with ease.

The program combines group coaching with the groundbreaking work of Shirzad Chamine, creator of Positive Intelligence® (PQ). This program helps you increase empathy, creativity, clarity, focus and peace of mind, as you minimize being hijacked by your Saboteur patterns of control, avoidance, pleasing or perfectionism, to name a few.

You will learn how to take your hand off the hot stove of negativity, anger, frustration, disappointment and stress and shift to your calm, wise, innovative Sage brain.

That’s The Inside Job™ for magnificent results in life & business.

NEXT POD STARTS: September 18, 2023 @ 4pm Pacific


Early Bird 10% off thru August 15, Code: PQBC10

Pod Size Limited to 6


“Prior to PQ, my daily state was one of anxiety and worry. I was trying to do it all and ultimately not my most effective, which caused even more stress. I now know this was the effect of my Saboteurs at work.

After the PQ program and with Janine's support, I've implemented new processes and created new work/life parameters for myself. Now I’m more calm, collaborative and relaxed and can focus on the things that bring me joy. In addition, my team is happier and more engaged. The PQ practices
really work!”


Mental Fitness uses three core muscles to go from stress to ease:


Stop your Saboteurs in their tracks; decreasing the time you spend in negative emotions like doubt, anger, frustration and stress.


Use the Sage’s powers to convert any situation into a gift or opportunity so that you can bounce back from any setback with peace of mind.


Take command of your mind and sleep at 3am instead of laying awake worrying about a difficult client or your P&L.


number of minutes in a day


number of minutes per day to create a more balanced, prosperous life with PQ

You’re worth it.

Why Mental Fitness?

When you’re mentally fit, you respond to life’s challenges with calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.

When we dwell in the “negative” emotions of fear, shame, anger, resentment or guilt (the Saboteurs), we get stuck in a painful spiral of stress and anxiety that effects our physical health and overall enjoyment of life and work. And it seeps out to those around us.

Like going to the gym to build physical muscle, we need something to build our mental muscle so that we can respond with more positivity (the Sage) and retain our vital energy.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) provides the equipment, the trainer and the workouts to build your mental strength so that you can minimize stress and grow creativity, happiness and ease.

Your PQ score (Positive Intelligence Quotient) measures the strength of your Sage versus your Saboteurs.

Click here to read a white paper on the Neuroscience behind PQ by a Harvard trained neuroscientist.


"I felt stressed and frustrated from micromanaging the studio in an attempt to get one or two steps ahead of the workflow. The PQ program helped me to realize that what I needed instead was a softer approach--emotionality vs. rationality--and that this was actually the path to less stress and more ease. Now, even when things don't go exactly to plan, I feel more centered and calm when I use the PQ practices. It's amazing how a few simple exercises cause such a helpful shift. I'm sold!"


 What’s Your Current PQ Score?

Graphic of program results-boost performance, improve relationships, be happy, live longer, 3x more creative


"I feel more balanced because of Janine’s PQ Bootcamp. I’m learning how to live—innovating more, using more intuition in my work life, and experiencing more peace in my relationships, even if they are not going well. I’m also not as wrapped up in outcomes, which is so freeing." 


Who is it for?

  • Individuals who crave work-life balance

  • Teams that keep stumbling over the same issues

  • Entrepreneurs who lay awake at 3am worrying

  • Leaders who want to attract and retain the best

  • Creatives who are feeling stuck or blocked

  • Anyone who desires more ease in their life and work

What’s Included?

Graphic of what is included in program; weekly videos, daily exercises, coaching support, peer support, bonus content, book

changing life for the better

“The PQ practices have started to support me in the formerly most stressful times of my life. I was a little skeptical in the beginning, and wasn’t sure I’d be able to integrate the material into my life. But I am seeing the results and am appreciating how they are changing the course of my experiences. It is extremely helpful to be able to share my insights with Janine, and bring questions from specific situations in my life…even getting to the tip of the iceberg with this program is
changing my life for the better.


Ready to Join?

6 Weeks of PQ Training…………………………………….…..……$995

10 Weeks of Group Coaching……….……$2,000

(2) 30-Minute 1:1 Sessions……………..…$1,000

BONUS! 1 year of GROW/PQ App…..$450

Peer Support Pod……………………………….$ ∞

Total Value $4,445

Price $1,449*

Early Bird 10% off thru August 15, Code: PQBC10

(Group Pricing Available)

NEXT POD STARTS: September 18, 2023 @ 4pm Pacific


Pod size limited to 6

*MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you complete the program as designed and are not completely satisfied with the outcomes you receive, I will refund your entire investment.

what we’ll do:

Week 1: Onboarding

We are ready to launch! Coach Janine will walk you through what to expect over the next 10 weeks and answer your questions.

  • Download & get familiar with the app

  • Attend the virtual Monday Kickoff Meeting

  • Get to know your pod

  • First video drops on Saturday

Week 2: Boost Self Command

Hit the gym! Begin app guided daily challenges and doing 10-second PQ reps to start building your mental fitness.

  • Practice PQ reps and start taking control of your mind, and your happiness

  • Discover which type of PQ reps work best for you

  • Use the app’s PQ Charge Meter to track your progress in real time

  • Declare your magnificent goal for the program

Week 3: Intercept the Judge

Meet the Master Saboteur and recognize how it blocks your performance, happiness and relationships. You’ll spend the entire week intercepting this powerful negative force and seeing how prevalent it is in your life.

  • Recognize the lies of the Judge and how it impacts your performance, wellness and relationships

  • Understand the three modalities of the Judge

  • Practice intercepting Judge energy before it hijacks you

  • Rewire your brain to shift away from this destructive Saboteur

Week 4: Accomplice Saboteurs

Learn about your top 2 - 3 accomplice saboteurs and how they operate. This entire week is dedicated to getting to know these characters (Avoider, Controller, Hyper-Vigilant, Victim, Stickler, Hyper-Achiever, Restless, Hyper-Rational, Pleaser), how they show up for you and what to do about it.

  • Discover your primary Accomplice Saboteurs and how they inhibit your performance and happiness

  • Recognize the lies of your Accomplice Saboteurs and learn about their patterns that cause you distress

  • Practice intercepting your Accomplice Saboteurs before they hijack you

  • Rewire your brain to shift away from these destructive Accomplice Saboteurs

Week 5: Shift to Sage

Start to adopt the Sage Perspective, the solution to the Saboteurs and the key to more ease and flow in your life and work. Utilize the whole week to get in closer touch with your wise, magnificent Sage essence that generates all positive emotions and is responsible for clear, laser-focused action.

  • Learn about the Sage Perspective that every circumstance can be turned into a gift and opportunity, and how it is always the path of peace, discovery and innovation

  • Improve your recovery time in shifting from Saboteur to Sage

  • Practice the 3 Gifts Technique to start creating the gifts and opportunities

  • Rewire your brain to respond differently to stress

Week 6: Boost Sage Powers

Up-level your mental fitness with intensive application of the 5 Sage Powers. This week you will learn and implement transformative practices to break old habits and plant seeds for a calmer, happier future.

  • Practice using the 5 Sage Powers to shift from negative to positive outcomes

  • Learn 3 practices to implement each Sage power

  • Explore when to use each Sage power

  • Discover the impact of the Empathize power to derail the Judge

Week 7: Taking Action

In the last week of videos from Shirzad, you will learn how to take clear-headed, laser-focused action using the
5 Sage Powers.

  • Use the Navigate power to align with your purpose for deeper meaning

  • Practice the Innovate power to spark completely unique solutions

  • Learn how to implement a Sage power in the midst of a stressful situation

  • Build mental muscle memory of what if feels like to be in ease and flow

Week 8 - 10: Deepen Your Practice

Transition to the GROW program and preview new tools each day to engrain your new fitness into everyday life. Grow your mental muscle strength with daily challenges for practical applications.

  • Learn new tools to find the path of ease and flow

  • Play with the power of empathy

  • Practice a simple and transformative 2-step process to turn chaos into calm

  • Discover new ways to minimize stress, improve relationships and boost performance


The coach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent, or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC.  The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach, and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC.


© 2023 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved.

POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, PQ COACH™ and P+ logo™are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication, or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC.